Having had troubles deciding whether to go for English or for German I finally decided now for English and apologize to anyone who may not be satisfied with this option.
Well it's been two weeks since I first arrived here in Perth and a lot has happened. Actually way too much for one single blog entry which is probably why I should have started this earlier, but to use a Austrian saying: Lieber spät, als nie! (= better late than never).
Today is my first day at uni and while having signed up for too many units now I will be able to check them out this week and eventually drop those which I will find least interesting, which is quite a good option for me. So what has happened so far?
After some seriously rushy and stressful lasts moments back at home I had eventually managed to come up with two suitcases with 20 kg each which was quite a challenge in itself. However, I was just about out what challenge means when my my mom, my boyfriend and me finally arrived in München as it was there that I was told that I could only bring one suitcase with 20 kg. Yeah - thanks for the wrong information, Lufthansa! Anyway, that's what you have to put up with and I managed to cut my belongings down to 20 kg, followed by a pretty hard and sad farewell. The two flights from Munich to Singapore and from there to Perth were smooth, but when I arrived at 1am in the morning in Perth and found out that somehow the airport reception service of uni was not picking me up I felt pretty discouraged. Nevertheless I was quite lucky to have met a Dutch guy living in Perth at the Singapore airport who saved my first night in Perth as he did not only take me to my hotel where I had to find out that it was overbooked, but he even took me back to his place after that information and let me sleep on his couch for the first night. Thanks soooo much, Ruud.
Already the next day I found my permanent accomodation here in Perth. It was the fourth choice me and a guy from the US were offered by housing services and we both accepted right away. Home, sweet home :) Since then I've met quite a bunge of people, most of them being international students, and I have already made some good friends. Instead of rambling on about all those BEAUTIFUL things I've seen and experienced I would rather have my photos speak for me. For some of it, there's just no words that would fit: Winter in Perth - First Impressions
By the way: Today me and Malin, a girl from Sweden, signed up for group fitness classes at the stadium and already fought our way through an exhausting hour of Body-Combat. More to come soon :)
Hey austrian australischen fiel; -) also dein blog hier ist ja mal voll interessant, behalte den bitte bitte bei: -) aber mal ne frage unter uns Frauen: wie hast du es geschafft,zwei Koffer auf einen runter zu schrauben? Das wäre für mich ne Lebensaufgabe. ...hihi....aber Lufthansa gibt gern mal falsche Infos,rede da auch aus Erfahrung. Pass gut auf dich auf u meld dich mal ab und an. Passt eigentlich der Text abends heimlich im Bett auch auf dich:"i will wieda hoam,fühl mit doa so alloan "? ;-) denk an dich u fetten deutsch- österreichischen knutschaaaaa
AntwortenLöschenJa hab auf alle Fälle vor das hier beizubehalten. Ich erleb ja viel zu viel um das nicht festzuhalten ;)
AntwortenLöschenZum Thema Koffer: OMG. Das war ein ziemlicher Nervenzusammenbruch am Flughafen - sowas wünscht man keiner Frau ;) Aber naja. So muss ich hier halt bissl was einkaufen sobald es richtig warm wird... hat auch was für sich :)
Und ja... so abends im Bett kommt schon ein wenig Heimweh auf. Sehr treffende Worte aus Fürstenfeld :) Tagsüber bin ich dafür zum Glück viiiiel zu beschäftigt.
Also in diesem Sinne mal gaaaaaaaaanz liebe Aussie Grüße & Umarmungen :)) - bis bald!